Software Engineer
Snap! Mobile

Mon Feb 13 2023 - Present
With 15 years of restaurant management & employee training experience (8 years as a co-founder), as well 18 months in web development, I bring a wealth of business experience to back up my talents as an Engineer & Technical Product Manager. I have trained and managed teams of up to 50 employees at a time. More recently, as the TPM of a Data Analytics Startup, I led a team of front end developers in an Agile environment, generated user persona reports to guide our product vision, conducted UX interviews, & wrote tickets as user stories & thorough API research.
Snap! Mobile
Mon Feb 13 2023 - Present
Sat Dec 31 2022 - Fri Apr 01 2022
Snap! Mobile
Wed Sep 01 2021 - Fri Apr 01 2022
BrainDead Brewing
Sat Jun 01 2013 - Sun Nov 28 2021
Flying Saucer Draught Emporium
Thu Sep 01 2005 - Sat Jun 01 2013
Full stack data visualization dashboard using MERN stack supported by Material UI & DMUI Data Grid as well as Nivo Charts. Redux & Redux Toolkit state management helped with Dark/Light mode and a User slice. I also mixed in an aggregate call to join some tables together and learn something new. It is deployed using a free version at Render.com so please be patient with the API calls on initial load.
Work in Progress: Website showcasing the intriguing new world of Ai Generated art, specifically from the Midjourney art generator. I have spent quite a bit of time "designing" everything from logos, to website/mobile app UI, to imaginary worlds. This website has all of its graphics generated by Ai.
Our platform allows users to easily input their existing credit card, and layer on additional rewards for golf related purchases. Every time you use your credit card, you'll be earning points that can be redeemed for discounts on golf gear, green fees, and more.
As a blockchain gaming data analytics platform, we specialized in visualizing blockchain gaming market data alongside in game utility and perfomance statistics.
Snap! Mobile is a fundraising launchpad for youth leaders. In my capacity as software engineer, we dove into their old Ruby on Rails Monolith and converted it to a JavaScript (Node and Vue) technology stack. I also built their internal Sales Support Dashboard "Snap! Drive" on a team of two from scratch.
Co-founded a brewery and restaurant recognized as Dallas' Best New Restaurant by D Magazine, and Best Burger by Dallas Observer, and Best Brewery by Culture Map